Customer Testimonials


Mike G.

We are full-timers and have been using the CheapHeat system in our fifth wheel for over two years. During that time, we have had to deal with outdoor temperatures as low as 10 degrees F, and have been able to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature of 72 degrees F. One of our favorite features is that there are no additional controls. The system runs off of the same thermostat that came installed with our fifth wheel.


Randy H.

Our 45’ bus has two gas furnaces in it. So, we had two CheapHeat systems installed. They both operate through the original thermostats installed by the motor home manufacturer. The remote override switches let us switch the system over to gas when we are traveling on the highway. When we are using the electric heat option, we find that the comfort level is much better inside the coach. The CheapHeat system doesn’t have the same tendency as the gas furnace to overshoot, getting too hot, then too cold.


Dave M.

We have a relatively new travel trailer that came from the factory with two rooftop heat pumps. At first I thought the heat pumps would be as good as having a CheapHeat, but what I didn’t realize is that the heat pumps are disabled below 37 degrees F, while the CheapHeat will keep me warm and off of propane way below 37. The other added benefit of CheapHeat versus a heat pump is that the CheapHeat keeps the heat on the floor where we want it most in those cold winter months.

Submit your own testimonial.

We love hearing from delighted customers. We’re excited to learn details of your particular installation, and how having the CheapHeat system has changed your RV’ing experience. Please drop us a line and we will be happy to share your experience with others, both here on our website and on social media.